Hosea 4:3 ...'Therefore shall the land mourn,
and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the
field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be
taken away.'
Event Summary for 2012 - 465 Known Mass Death Events in 67 Countries.
31st December 2012 - Thousands of TONS of Herring wash up
dead in Kolgrafafjordur, Iceland.
31st December 2012 - 300 Birds drop dead out of the sky in
Tennessee, America.
31st December 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found on Tallow
Beach in Australia.
28th December 2012 - Mass deaths of Birds due to Avian Flu
could cause catastrophe in Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt.
27th December 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish washing ashore
in Sarasota and Charlotte, America.
27th December 2012 - Fish kills hit the province of
Pangasinan in Philippines.
26th December 2012 - 8,000 Fish found dead in ponds in
Foshan, China.
26th December 2012 - 150,000 Birds killed due to Avian Flu
in Bangladesh.
25th December 2012 - 230 TONNES of Fish die in Xinjiang,
25th December 2012 - Thousands of Trout found dead in a
stream in North Kashmir's Bandipora district, India.
22nd December 2012 - 1,500 Hens and Geese killed due to
Avian Flu in Germany.
21st December 2012 - Thousands of Chickens suddenly die in
Muarojambi district, Indonesia.
20th December 2012 - Thousands of Fish have died in Bulloo
River in Queensland, Australia.
20th December 2012 - 3,000 dead Fowl caused by Avian flu in
18th December 2012 - Die-off of Songbirds in Sonoma County,
California, America.
17th December 2012 - Thousands of Herring found dead "a
mystery" in Iceland.
17th December 2012 - Thousands of dead Turtles wash ashore
on Paradip Sea Beach in India.
14th December 2012 - Tens of thousands of dead Sardines
cover 100 meters of beach in Chiba Dead Sardines JapanPrefecture, Japan.
14th December 2012 - 300,000 lbs of Fish have died in the
Long Lake area in China.
14th December 2012 - Large Fish kill found in a river in
Shahe City in China.
14th December 2012 - Tens of thousands of Fish found dead in
a lake in Haikou, China.
14th December 2012 - Thousands of Bluebottle Jellyfish wash
ashore dead on Oreti Beach, New Zealand.
13th December 2012 - Large Fish kill found in a river in
Lanxi in China.
13th December 2012 - Hundreds of Fish, Crabs and eels found
dead on beach near Tern Island, Australia.
12th December 2012 - 6 Dolphins wash ashore dead during past
month in Gavelston, Texas, America.
11th December 2012 - 300,000 Ducks killed by Bird Flu in
several provinces of Java Island, Indonesia.
11th December 2012 - Thousands of Squid wash ashore dead in
California, America.
11th December 2012 - "Dead Fish all over the
place" near giant sinkhole in Louisiana, America.
10th December 2012 - 1,600 dead Sheep is a mystery in
7th December 2012 - Hundreds of Chickens killed due to Avian
Flu on Penghu Island, Taiwan.
7th December 2012 - 25,000 Fish found dead in Guangdong,
7th December 2012 - Large Fish kill found in a river in
Pudong, China.
6th December 2012 - 19 horses found dead in Canon City,
Colorado, America.
6th December 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead and dying
on Kiawah Island, South Carolina, America.
6th December 2012 - 36+ Buffalo died from unknown disease
"a mystery" in Kanchanpur, Nepal.
4th December 2012 - Large Fish kill on the Yaojiang River in
Ningbo, China.
3rd December 2012 - Hundreds of dead Carp washed up in Pinto
Lake, California, America.
2nd December 2012 - 50 birds found dead on road in Collin
County, Texas, America.
1st December 2012 - Catfish die-off near Marco Island in
Florida, America.
30th November 2012 - 10 TONNES of Fish found dead in
ecological park in China.
30th November 2012 - 4,000 wild Ducks found dead from Avian
Flu in Krasnodar, Russia.
24th November 2012 - 26 Turtles die from disease during past
few months in West Virginia, America.
22nd November 2012 - Large fish kill found on Liwan Lake in
21st November 2012 - 4,000+ Birds killed due to outbreak of
Avian flu in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
20th November 2012 - 100 dead starlings found on road
baffles scientists in Missouri, America.
20th November 2012 - Hundreds of Fish found dead along the
banks of a pond in Phuket, Thailand.
19th November 2012 - Fish kill found in rivers of Barangay
Estefania down to Barangay Villamonte, Bacolod City, Philippines.
17th November 2012 - 50,000 Chickens killed due to Bird flu
outbreak in New South Wales, Australia.
16th November 2012 - Huge stocks of wild Salmon wiped out
due to sea lice on the coast of Ireland.
16th November 2012 - 40 TONNES of Red Tilapias Fish die en-masse
in Thanh Binh, Vietnam.
16th November 2012 - Thousands of dead gizzard shad Fish
found dead on Lake Erie in New York, America.
15th November 2012 - 40,000 Fish found dead in 30 acres of
ponds in Quanzhou, China.
15th November 2012 - 28 Whales beach themselves and die on
Golden Bay, New Zealand. Link
14th November 2012 - Thousands of Birds have dropped out of
sky into the sea in England.
14th November 2012 - 6,000 dead Deer due to EHD disease in
Nebraska, America.
13th November 2012 - Large Fish kill found on Shimen Lake in
12th November 2012 - 100+ herds of livestock killed by
unidentified disease in Lamwo, Uganda.
12th November 2012 - Mass deaths of Seagulls turning beaches
into mass graves in Morocco.
10th November 2012 - Update: 185,000 Hens now killed due to
rare outbreak of salmonella in Northern Ireland.
10th November 2012 - Large Fish kill in a river in
Guangdong, China.
9th November 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish found washed up in
St Peters Billabong, Australia.
8th November 2012 - Die-off of spawning Salmon in Longfellow
Creek, Seattle, America.
8th November 2012 - 13,000+ Deer have died from disease in
Michigan, America.
7th November 2012 - Outbreak of Anthrax has wiped out 50
percent of Roan Antelopes and killed 30 Hippos in Kruger Park, South Africa.
7th November 2012 - Large Fish die-off found in Shenzhen
River in China.
7th November 2012 - Fish kill found along a 7 mile stretch
of Bradford Branch in Ohio, America.
7th November 2012 - Die-off of Seagulls a "mystery"
on Lake Neangar in Australia.
6th November 2012 - Acres of Fish ponds full of dead Fish in
Nanchang in China.
5th November 2012 - 500+ Pigeons suddenly drop dead in
Bihar's Bhagalpur district in India.
4th November 2012 - 700 Waterbirds found dead along shore of
Lake Michigan in America.
4th November 2012 - Thousands of Cattle dead from drought
conditions in Zimbabwe.
4th November 2012 - 80 Whales and Dolphins beached (majority
dead) off King Island in Tasmania.
3rd November 2012 - 4,000+ Birds killed due to avian flu
outbreak at Gazipur farms in Bangladesh.
1st November 2012 - 84 Sea Turtles wash ashore dead in
31st October 2012 - 750,000 Bees die in mass die-off in
Montecito, California, America.
31st October 2012 - 125,000 hens killed due to rare outbreak
of salmonella in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
31st October 2012 - 25 Bee Hives containing 1 MILLION Bees
were destroyed by hurricane Sandy in New York, America.
31st October 2012 - Massive Fish kill reported in Chizhou City,
31st October 2012 - "Millions" of dead Fish found
on Illawong Beach, Mackay, Australia.
31st October 2012 - 9,000 Fish found dead in a pond in
Xiamen, China.
31st October 2012 - 15,000+ Fish found dead on Lake Madeline
in Texas, America.
26th October 2012 - Fish kill in Prairie Creek, Blairstown,
26th October 2012 - 40 Whales have stranded and died on
Andaman Island in India.
25th October 2012 - 900+ dead Birds wash ashore on Sleeping
Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan, America.
24th October 2012 - 3,600 Turkeys dead from Birdflu outbreak
near Bangalore, India.
24th October 2012 - 5,000+ Deer have died from disease in
Missouri, America.
23rd October 2012 - Massive Scallop die-off from Red Tide in
23rd October 2012 - 40,000 lbs dead Fish found floating in
ponds in Foshan, China.
23rd October 2012 - Large Fish kill in Yong River, Ningbo,
23rd October 2012 - Mass Fish deaths appearing along coastal
areas of Sri Lanka.
22nd October 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish scattered along
Collier beaches in Florida, America.
22nd October 2012 - Tens of thousands of Gizzard Shad Fish
dead in Oneida Lake, New York State, America.
21st October 2012 - 28,600 Sheep stranded for weeks in
Pakistani Port, killed due to disease, Pakistan.
19th October 2012 - 45+ Flamingos and Avocets found dead in
Walvis Lagoon - "A never seen before phenomenon", Namibia.
19th October 2012 - A Virus is killing Doves all across the
Permian Basin, America.
19th October 2012 - 1,000 Livestock have been killed due to
Bird Flu in Dien Bien, Vietnam.
17th October 2012 - Fish die-off could be in the MILLIONS in
Neuse River, North Carolina, America.
17th October 2012 - 7,000 Cattle killed by flooding in
17th October 2012 - "Significant" Bass die-off,
thousands dead in Dickinson County lakes, Iowa, America.
16th October 2012 - 343 Cattle and Buffaloes dead from
unknown disease, with 500 more affected in Sualkuchi, India.
16th October 2012 - Fish kill in Dalton Creek, Georgia, America.
15th October 2012 - 8,000 Catfish have died in Brisbane
River, Australia.
15th October 2012 - Thousands of Deer are dying from disease
in Indiana, America.
15th October 2012 - 2,000 Chickens killed due to Bird Flu
outbreak in Bode, Nepal.
13th October 2012 - HUNDREDS of TONNES of Salmon killed by
parasite across Western Isles in Scotland.
12th October 2012 - Thousands of Fish killed by Red Tide at
Anson Bay in Australia.
12th October 2012 - Mass death of Hammerhead Shark pups
found in Hawaii.
12th October 2012 - Large die-off of Silver Carp Fish in
Jimo Reservoirs, China.
11th October 2012 - Tens of thousands of Fish found dead in
ponds in Dagupan City, Philippines.
11th October 2012 - 70 rare Sea Turtles found dead near
beaches at Lake Bardawil, Egypt.
9th October 2012 - Massive Fish kills caused by Red Tide
along Florida coast, America.
9th October 2012 - 400 Cows and Goats dead from disease in
Kamrup Rural District, India.
8th October 2012 - Hundreds, possibly thousands of Deer continue
to die from disease in North Carolina Foothills, America.
8th October 2012 - Hundreds of animals have died from
Anthrax in Manicaland, Zimbabwe.
7th October 2012 - 150 dead Birds found in Chicago during
September. A 50 Percent increase over August. America.
7th October 2012 - Large Die-off of farmed Fish, caused by
unknown disease in Muktagachha, Bangladesh.
5th October 2012 - 1000+ Fish killed by contamination in a
creek in Vancouver, Canada.
4th October 2012 - Numerous Honeybee colonies dead from
mosquito spraying in Massachusetts, America.
4th October 2012 - 2,043 dead Deer from disease in Illinois,
4th October 2012 - 15,000 dead Fish a "mystery" on
Coquitlam River in Canada.
4th October 2012 - Fish kill caused by "Red Tide"
on Sarasota Beaches, Florida in America.
2nd October 2012 - 43 Pilot Whales dead after 46 stranded on
beach in Indonesia.
1st October 2012 - 100 Starlings dead after flying directly
"into a car on a highway" in Austria.
1st October 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in Katherine
river in Australia.
28th September 2012 - Massive Fish kill in Harvey's Run
River, Pennsylvania in America.
28th September 2012 - Ongoing Fish kill caused by algea at
Roosevelt Lake, Arizona, America.
26th September 2012 - Major Die-off of Deer, "worst in
decades", in Wyoming, America.
26th September 2012 - 2000+ Birds have died from Avian
Botulism in Oregon, America.
25th September 2012 - Hundreds of Fish found dead in the
Neuse River, North Carolina, America.
24th September 2012 - Large Fish kill, causing complete
wipeout of Fish in North Sterling Reservoir, Colorado, America.
24th September 2012 - Thousands of Sheep dead "from
Vaccine" in Uzbek, Kyrgyzstan.
23rd September 2012 - Last remaining 20 Ducks found dead in
Arden Park - No Ducks left, Arizona, America.
22nd September 2012 - 8000 Cattle killed by "cold
weather and rain" in Swaziland.
21st September 2012 - Die-off of Rabbits is a
"mystery" in St Louis, America.
21st September 2012 - 13,000 Sheep buried alive in snow
storm is "unprecedented disaster" in Iceland.
21st September 2012 - 15 Beluga Whales have washed up dead
since July leaving scientist puzzled in Quebec, Canada.
19th September 2012 - Large Fish kill in Lake Auburn, Maine,
19th September 2012 - 588 Cattle dead from cold and disease
causes shock in Mpumalanga, Dead Cows South AfricaSouth Africa.
19th September 2012 - 6,300 Ducks dead from avian flu in
Guangdong, China.
18th September 2012 - Hundreds of Prairies Dogs dead in Arizona,
18th September 2012 - Tens of thousands of reared fish die
on Cha Va River in Vietnam.
17th September 2012 - Dozens of Pigeons found dead in
Birkenhead, Australia.
17th September 2012 - Mass Fish kill in Lakeview Park,
Corpus Christi in America.
14th September 2012 - UPDATE: 22.3 MILLION Birds killed due
to bird flu in Mexico.
14th September 2012 - 131,000 Fish killed due to disease in
New York State, America.
14th September 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish found in a creak
in Arlington, America.
14th September 2012 - Mounds of dead Fish (bottom dwellers)
found along Mangalore coast, raising concern in India.
14th September 2012 - 2,200 Deer have died this year from a
disease that is spreading in Nebraska, America.
13th September 2012 - Hundreds of thousands of dead
Jellyfish line the shores of Cable Beach in Australia.
12th September 2012 - Large Fish kill from New Smyrna Beach
to Oak Hill, Florida, America.
12th September 2012 - 362 Cattle found dead in Manzini,
12th September 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish in Arrowhead
Lakes, Arizona, America.
12th September 2012 - MILLIONS of dead fish in the Salton
Sea in California, America.
10th September 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish litter Lake
Vista in New Orleans, America.
8th September 2012 - Fish kill in San Carlos Lake in
Arizona, America.
7th September 2012 - Hundreds of dead cattle found after
Hurricane Isaac in Plaquemines Parish America.
7th September 2012 - 30 Dolphins washed up dead on beaches
during August in Bulgaria.
7th September 2012 - Mysterious disease has caused a Moose
die-off in Sweden.
6th September 2012 - Tens of thousands of dead Fish and dead
birds line the shores of Lake Erie in Canada.
5th September 2012 - 400 Deer found dead in Caldwell County,
North Carolina in America.
5th September 2012 - Large Fish kills reported around
Louisiana in America.
5th September 2012 - New highly toxic strain of Bird flu
discovered, killing 181,000 ducks and chickens this year in Vietnam.
5th September 2012 - Tens of thousands of Nutria Rats washed
up dead on Mississippi beaches in America.
4th September 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish along Bayou
Lafourche in Louisiana, America.
4th September 2012 - Fish kill in Bayou Casotte in Jackson
County, America.
4th September 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found in
Broadkill River - "The River smelled like dead fish" - in Delaware,
2nd September 2012 - Dozens of Birds falling dead every day
in Pakki Tibbi village, India.
2nd September 2012 - 16 Whales dead after mass stranding of
26 Whales off coast of Fife in Scotland.
2nd September 2012 - 17 Whales dead after 22 beach
themselves in Florida, America.
1st September 2012 - UPDATE: 200 Deer now dead from virus in
Cook County, America.
1st September 2012 - 58,000 Ducks and Chickens dead from
Bird Flu in Quang Ngai, Vietnam.
30th August 2012 - Die-off of Whitefish in Eastern Idaho
Rivers a "mystery", America.
30th August 2012 - "Significant" fish kill on
Tuscarawas River in NEW PHILADELPHIA, America.
30th August 2012 - 50,000 Chickens dead from bird flu in
North 24-Parganas, India.
29th August 2012 - Hundreds of Salmon wash up dead on shores
of OSOYOOS LAKE, Canada.
29th August 2012 - Hundreds of Rats found dead sparking
fears of the Plague in Walled City, near Jaipur, India.
29th August 2012 - 24 Sea Turtles found dead on beaches of
Oaxaca in Mexico.
28th August 2012 - 1,000 TONNE Fish kill in Baiyangdian Lake
in China.
28th August 2012 - 45,000 Baby Sea Turtles and Eggs
destroyed by Earthquake in El Salvador.
28th August 2012 - 100 Deer found dead during past 2 weeks
in Cook County, America.
28th August 2012 - 30 Rare Antelopes killed by anthrax in
Kruger National Park, South Africa.
23rd August 2012 - 2,700 Pheasants dead from disease in
Wyoming, America.
22nd August 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found in Cuyahoga
River, Ohio, America.
21st August 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in the river
Weaver in Cheshire, United Kingdom.
20th August 2012 - Major Fish kill on the shores of Anson
Lake, Texas, America.
20th August 2012 - Thousands of Fish continue to die in
Neuse River in North Carolina, America.
20th August 2012 - Fish kill in Highland Park in Texas,
20th August 2012 - 20,000 Fish found dead in Contraband Bayou,
Louisiana, America.
20th August 2012 - Thousands of Fish wash up dead on shores
of Missisquoi Bay in Montreal, Canada.
18th August 2012 - Tens of thousands of Birds killed due to
bird flu in Vietnam.
17th August 2012 - 1 MILLION Fish have been killed by
"red tide" in Texas, America.
17th August 2012 - Lots of various Fish and Stingrays
washing up dead off Myrtle Beach in South Carolina, America.
17th August 2012 - Large fish kill on Ghannouch beach in
Tunisia, Africa.
16th August 2012 - Over 900 Deer killed by virus across 8
Counties in Michigan, America.
16th August 2012 - Hundreds of Fish, entire stock of lake
found dead in Widnes, United Kingdom.
16th August 2012 - 100 Cattle dead from Anthrax outbreak in
Colorado and Texas, America.
16th August 2012 - Fish kill in Wolf Creek, Iowa, America.
15th August 2012 - 5,000 Fish found dead in Sugar Creek,
Ohio, America.
15th August 2012 - Dozens of Birds fall from sky dead in New
Jersey, America.
14th August 2012 - UPDATE: 431 Bison killed by Anthrax
outbreak in Fort Providence, Canada.
14th August 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish discovered along
5.5km of Kiltha River in Ireland.
14th August 2012 - Mysterious disease kills 68 cattle in
13th August 2012 - Mysterious illness killing Elk and tens
of thousands of wild birds in Sweden.
13th August 2012 - Hundreds of Thousands of dead Fish on
beaches from Matagorda to Dead Fish on BeachesGalveston, Texas.
13th August 2012 - First ever mass Fish die-off along shores
of Pago Bay in Guam.
11th August 2012 - Thousands of Earthworms found dead in
parking lot in Komatsu city Ishikawa, Japan.
10th August 2012 - 200 TONNE Fish die-off on the Zi River in
10th August 2012 - 500 TONNES of Salmon to be killed due to
virus outbreak in Vancouver, Canada.
10th August 2012 - Mass Fish death a "mystery" on
a coastal region of Japan.
10th August 2012 - 3,000 Fish killed by pollution in
Scarborough, United Kingdom.
9th August 2012 - Hundreds of Crabs washing ashore dead on
Tiana and Shinnecock Bay in America.
9th August 2012 - Mass Die-Off of Shrimp is a
"mystery" in Vietnam.
9th August 2012 - 20,000 dead Fish in Lake Contrary,
Missouri, America.
8th August 2012 - 786,000 Chickens dead, 41,000 ducks dead
and over 300 Pigs dead in South Korea.
7th August 2012 - 900 Birds found dead in Minnesota,
7th August 2012 - Large Fish kill on the Neuse River in
North Carolina, America.
6th August 2012 - UPDATE: 167 Peacocks now dead from
Ranikheit disease in Pakistan.
6th August 2012 - Thousands of dead fish in a lake in
Srinagar, India.
6th August 2012 - Major Fish kill along 4km of the Dunleer
River in Ireland.
5th August 2012 - 40,000 Sturgeon and thousands of other
Fish dead in Iowa and other Central States in America.
4th August 2012 - 66,800 Birds killed by bird flu in
3rd August 2012 - 340 Bison dead in largest ever Anthrax
outbreak in Fort Providence, Canada.
3rd August 2012 - 3,000 Fish found dead on Petit Jean River
in Arkansas, America.
3rd August 2012 - Massive Bird kill on beaches of Bandon,
Oregon, America.
3rd August 2012 - Massive Fish kills right across America.
3rd August 2012 - 150 Sheep and Goats killed by virus in
31st July 2012 - Dozens of Baby Turtles found dead on beach
in Cayman Brac, Cayman Dead Baby TurtlesIslands.
31st July 2012 - At least 20 Deer found dead in Stone
Mountain State Park in America.
30th July 2012 - UPDATE: 100 Peacocks now dead in Pakistan.
30th July 2012 - UPDATE: 5 MILLION Birds now killed due to
flu virus in Mexico.
30th July 2012 - 4,000 Fish dead in Ascot Waters Marina,
29th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found in the
Colorado River, America.
27th July 2012 - 2,500 Fish found dead in Doe Park Reservoir
in Bradford, England.
26th July 2012 - Fish kill in a canal in Plantation,
Florida, America.
25th July 2012 - 30 Turtles wash up dead on Pavana dam in
24th July 2012 - 100 Turtles wash up with 20 dead on beaches
in Uraguay.
23rd July 2012 - 50 dead Peacocks is a "mystery"
in Pakistan.
23rd July 2012 - Fish kill found on Big Sandy Lake in
Minnesota, America.
23rd July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish wash ashore on
Ma-Me-O Beach, Alberta, Canada.
23rd July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish wash ashore on
Volusia's beaches, Daytona, America.
22nd July 2012 - Massive Fish kill on Lake Erie in Ohio,
21st July 2012 - 1,700 Cattle and 105,000 Turkeys killed by
heat in South Dakota and Minnesota, America.
21st July 2012 - Thousands of fish washing ashore dead on
Lake Elsinore in California, America.
20th July 2012 - 300 Birds found dead on Agate Beach in
Oregon, America.
20th July 2012 - 1300 Animals dead from virus outbreak in
20th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish line beaches in
Piney Point, Maryland, America.
20th July 2012 - Large number of dead Fish in Shangqiu City
Lake in China.
19th July 2012 - Hundreds of Frogs found dead in
Chesterfield Lake, Missouri, America.
19th July 2012 - UPDATE: 3.8 Million Birds now killed due to
flu virus in Mexico.
17th July 2012 - MILLIONS of "weird", and
"unknown" Crab like creatures wash onto beaches, either dead or dying
in Hawaii.
17th July 2012 - 17 Seal Pups wash ashore dead around the
Bay of Firth in Scotland.
17th July 2012 - 200 TONS of Fish have died in Egypt.
17th July 2012 - 10,000 Fish found dead in River in Liu
Yueqing City, China.
16th July 2012 - 100,000 dead Fish found in Lam Taklong
creek in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand.
16th July 2012 - Mass Fish death in south lake of Wuhan,
14th July 2012 - 512 Penguins wash up dead on Rio Grande do
Sul beaches in Brazil.
13th July 2012 - 450,000 Salmon to be killed due to virus
outbreak in Newfoundland, Canada.
12th July 2012 - Tens of thousands of Fish dying and many
birds dying to in Horicon Marsh America.
12th July 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in the Avis
Dam in Namibia, Africa.
12th July 2012 - 6,500 dead Fish in Twin Lakes in North
Carolina America.
12th July 2012 - Thousand of dead fish found on the Vermilion
River in Illinois America.
11th July 2012 - 58,000 Fish kill on the Des Moines River in
Iowa America.
11th July 2012 - 40 acres of Pond with dead Fish in Xindong
village China.
11th July 2012 - 2.5 Million Birds now killed from flu virus
in Mexico.
11th July 2012 - 19,000 Fish dead in Lake Odessa America.
11th July 2012 - Thousands of small Fish washing up dead on
Northwest Coast of Ireland.
10th July 2012 - Another 23 Bison found dead, making total
of 151 deaths in Fort Providence Mass Bison Deaths CanadaCanada.
10th July 2012 - Dozens of dead Birds found in Illinois
10th July 2012 - Lobster mass die-off continues in
Connecticut America.
9th July 2012 - 28 Dead Seals. Unusual high number of deaths
this year. "The Seals look terrible" Netherlands.
9th July 2012 - 450,000 Salmon to be killed due to virus
outbreak in Newfoundland Canada.
9th July 2012 - "Catastrophic" Fish kill on Geneva
Lake, also over 200 Pike dead on Fountain Lake in Minnesota America.
8th July 2012 - "Mysterious" mass Salmon deaths at
Marlborough Farm, New Zealand.
8th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found in Arugam Bay,
Sri Lanka.
7th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found floating on
Godavari River, India.
7th July 2012 - Over 50 Ducks and Geese found dead in Ohio,
leaving locals baffled, America.
6th July 2012 - 128 Bison found dead in Fort Providence
6th July 2012 - 560 Wild Animals killed by flooding in
Kaziranga India.
6th July 2012 - Many thousands of dead Fish found in Silver
Lake, Delaware America.
6th July 2012 - Mass Fish kill on Salt River in Arizona.
6th July 2012 - Fish kill in Trout River, Prince Edward
Island, Canada.
6th July 2012 - Fish kill in Patoka River, Indiana.
6th July 2012 - Mass Oyster deaths: 60 Million snout otter
clams dead, leaving farmers broke in Quang Ninh Vietnam.
5th July 2012 - Mass Fish kill due to volcanic eruption near
the Canary Islands.
5th July 2012 - Fish kill on Century Village Lakes in
5th July 2012 - Fish kill on Roy Lake in South Dakota.
5th July 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in James River
in Lamoure North Dakota.
5th July 2012 - Over 20 dead Birds (Egrets) found in
Rockport Texas.
4th July 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead on Dexter City
Lake in Missouri America.
3rd July 2012 - 14 TONS of dead Fish found in Changshou
Reservoir in China.
3rd July 2012 - Major Fish kill: Hundreds of thousands of
Fish dead in Lake Wichita Texas.
3rd July 2012 - Hundreds of Fish found floating dead in
Upstate Lake South Carolina.
3rd July 2012 - Fish Kill: Catfish die-off on Lake Buffum
near Fort Meade Florida.
3rd July 2012 - 2,300 dead Fish washed ashore on South River
in Butts County, Georgia America.
2nd July 2012 - Thousands of Fish dead in Chautauqua Lake in
Havana Cuba.
2nd July 2012 - Thousands of Chickens killed due to Bird Flu
outbreak in Xinjiang China.
2nd July 2012 - 10,000 Fish dead in South Knoxville Pond in
Tennessee America.
2nd July 2012 - 18 mass Fish kills have happened in past 2
months in Periyar River in India.
1st July 2012 - Mass Fish deaths in Fujian Jinjiang Cizao
Reservoir, China.
30th June 2012 - 1,000,000 Birds died or culled at 129 Farms
due to Avian Flu in Mexico.
29th June 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish line the banks of
Pottersburg Creek in Ontario Canada.
29th June 2012 - 73 Turtles wash ashore dead, scientists
concerned, in Australia.
28th June 2012 - Fish die-off in Platte River in Nebraska.
28th June 2012 - Fish kill in river Vartry in Wicklow
26th June 2012 - 200,000 Bird deaths at three farms in
26th June 2012 - Over 75,000 Goats killed by a disease
epidemic in Congo.
26th June 2012 - Thousands of dead Sardines wash ashore on
Taboga Island in Panama.
26th June 2012 - Fish kill in Wisconsin Counties in America.
25th June 2012 - Several thousand fish dead in a lake in
Georgia America.
25th June 2012 - Thousands of Fish die in Gomti River India.
23rd June 2012 - Mass Cattle death a "mystery" in
Elgin Texas.
23rd June 2012 - 67 Birds found dead at Kanaha Pond Wildlife
Sanctuary Hawaii.
22nd June 2012 - Mass deaths of Horses and Cattle due to
snake bites in Kiev Ukraine
22nd June 2012 - Fish kill on Lake Odessa in Louisa County
21st June 2012 - Dead turtles washing ashore along Delaware
and New Jersey coasts, scientists not sure why in America.
21st June 2012 - 150 Birds washing up dead or dying on East
Florida beaches in America.
20th June 2012 - 750 Bee Hives poisoned killing thousands of
Bees in New South Wales Australia.
20th June 2012 - Hundreds to Thousands of fish washing
ashore dead on Sutherland Reservoir Nebraska.
19th June 2012 - Thousands of Fish die in the Tagus River in
Toledo, Spain.
19th June 2012 - 17 dead Seals wash ashore in Parnu Estonia.
19th June 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish found in Red Hill
Creek Canada.
19th June 2012 - Fish die-off at Buffalo Pound Lake in
19th June 2012 - Over 4,000 Fish found dead in River Nene
16th June 2012 - Fish kill in Big Birch Lake in Todd County
15th June 2012 - Fish kill found in canal near lake Manitoba
in Canada.
15th June 2012 - Mass death of Sardines (about 10,000) found
in Kanagawa Japan.
14th June 2012 - 130 Sea Birds found dead in Australia.
NOTE: 120 Dolphins that died off Texas coast between
November and March declared "unusual mortality event" America.
11th June 2012 - Fish kill along 1.5Km of the Chovva Canal
in India.
9th June 2012 - 40 TONS of dead Fish in a pond in township
of Guangzhou China.
8th June 2012 - Large number of dead Fish found in East Lake
Park China.
7th June 2012 - 200 TONNES of dead Sardine washed up in port
of Ohara in Japan.
7th June 2012 - Hundreds of Birds found dead in East
Melbourne Australia.
6th June 2012 - Over 100,000 mass Fish die-off in Feidong
Ning Kong (sic) Reservoir China.
6th June 2012 - Mystery surrounds massive Fish kill in
Coevorden Netherlands.
6th June 2012 - Over 10,000 dead Carp found in Blue Springs
Lake, Missouri.
6th June 2012 - 5,000 dead Fish in a lake is a mystery, UK.
5th June 2012 - Alarming Reindeer Die Off on St Paul Island
in Alaska.
5th June 2012 - Thousands of Dead fish found in Imperial
Lakes in Florida.
5th June 2012 - 2500 Fish dead in Swan River in Australia.
31st May 2012 - Thousands of Fish dying along coast of
30th May 2012 - Large Fish die-off in a Lagoon in Chacahua
30th May 2012 - 500 Fish die in Canal in England.
30th May 2012 - Thousands more Fish turning up dead in
30th May 2012 - Red tide Kills 55 Million Abalone in China.
29th May 2012 - Mass Fish death - 13,000 Fish found in
Ohatchee Alabama.
27th May 2012 - Entire Fish Farm stock to be killed after
virus found for first time in waters of Washington State.
25th May 2012 - 10 TONS of dead Fish found in Laguna de Bay
25th May 2012 - 300 Dolphins wash up dead during past
several weeks raising concern in the Black Sea Russia.
25th May 2012 - Thousands of Shellfish found dead in Peru.
25th May 2012 - 540 Antelopes die in Kasakhstan.
24th May 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in a pond in
Sichuan China.
24th May 2012 - Hundreds of Fish found dead in Briar Creek
in North Carolina.
23rd May 2012 - 60,000 - 100,000 dead Fish in three Creeks
in Maryland USA.
21st May 2012 - Thousands of the "most resilient
species of fish" found dead on Mula-Mutha River banks in India.
20th May 2012 - Hundreds of Fish found dead at Clear Lake in
20th May 2012 - Large Fish kill reported in Sanya Egret Park
19th May 2012 - 500,000 Salmon destroyed after virus found
in fish farm in Vancouver Canada.
17th May 2012 - Mass Bee deaths - "Staggering
losses" reported in Minnesota, Nebraska and Ohio USA.
17th May 2012 - Mystery surrounds 34 Dead Deer on Greater
Qiu Islet in Taiwan.
17th May 2012 - Over 8 TONS of Fish poisoned in Guiyang
16th May 2012 - Fish kill in Arcadia Lake in Oklahoma.
15th May 2012 - Over 10,000 Fish dead in Guanzhou China.
14th May 2012 - Another Fish kill in Lake Bito in MacArthur
Town Philippines.
14th May 2012 - Thousands of farmed Fish found dead in ponds
in Nanjundapuram village India.
13th May 2012 - Mass Fish death reported in Pathalam belt in
River Periyar in India.
12th May 2012 - 500 Fish have died in Eichbaum lake in
12th May 2012 - 2,300 Birds found dead on beaches in Chile.
10th May 2012 - Fish kill in South Negril River in Jamaica.
10th May 2012 - UPDATE: 5,000 Birds found dead on beaches in
10th May 2012 - 550 TONS of dead Salmon in Norway.
10th May 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish washing up on the
shores of Lake Simcoe in Canada.
8th May 2012 - 12 TONS of Fish found dead in Chengdu,
Sichuan China.
8th May 2012 - Hundreds of dead fish in Brake Lake, Perry
County America.
8th May 2012 - Low numbers of Muttonbirds returning to NZ is
"most unusual event" in 20 years studying these birds New Zealand.
7th May 2012 - Fish kill in Kuwait Bay in Kuwait.
6th May 2012 - Mass Fish death found in Heritage Park Pond
in Massachusetts.
5th May 2012 - 50,000 Fish found dead in a pond in Shenzhen
in China.
5th May 2012 - Mass Bird death discovered in waste water in
4th May 2012 - A local "phenomena" with numerous
dead fish appearing on the same day in Spain.
4th May 2012 - 2 TONS of dead Fish found in a River in
Jinzhou China.
4th May 2012 - Mass Fish kill found in Muttar River causing
panic in India.
3rd May 2012 - Dead Fish are washing up on shore of Lake
Houston in America.
2nd May 2012 - Large number of fish found dead in River in
2nd May 2012 - Many dead Fish washing up dead in Village
causing panic in Turkey.
30th April 2012 - Hundreds of Bull RedFish found dead in
28th April 2012 - 1200 Pelicans found dead in Peru.
27th April 2012 - Mass Fish kill on Lake Elsinore in California.
26th April 2012 - Mysterious Death of possibly thousands of
Storks in Thailand.
25th April 2012 - 11,000 dead Fish found in River in
Kettering, America.
25th April 2012 - 28,000 dead Fish found in River in
Strongsville, America.
25th April 2012 - Porpoises dying in alarming numbers,
causing concerns of a local "ecological catastrophe" in China.
25th April 2012 - 4 Dolphins wash ashore dead at Bandra
Bandstand in India.
22nd April 2012 - Thousands more Fish wash ashore dead in
19th April 2012 - Thousands of Fish, also Cows and Dogs
killed in Pakistan.
17th April 2012 - Thousands of fish (30 species) dead in a
creek in Tennesse.
17th April 2012 - Thousands of fish continue to turn up dead
in the Zandvlei Estuary in South Africa.
17th April 2012 - Several thousand Fish found dead in River
in India.
17th April 2012 - Thousands of Dead Fish found floating in
Pond in India.
16th April 2012 - Mass Livestock deaths in Kyrgyzstan.
13th April 2012 - Mass Bees falling dead in Canyon Country
13th April 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish litter Ocean Floor
in Durban South Africa.
11th April 2012 - 300 more Dolphins found dead on beaches in
11th April 2012 - 14,000 Fish dead in Creek in Missouri.
9th April 2012 - Thousands of fish found dead in Lake in
9th April 2012 - 3 Whales wash up dead in India.
6th April 2012 - Over 50 Turtles wash ashore dead in India.
6th April 2012 - Thousands of Dead Fish found in waterway in
5th April 2012 - Thousands of Dead Fish found floating in
Ganga river in India.
4th April 2012 - 615 Dolphins Found Dead on Beaches in Peru.
4th April 2012 - Over 100 Dead Catfish found in Boyne River
3rd April 2012 - Thousands of Dolphins are dying in Gulf of
1st April 2012 - 9,000 Livestock killed by Foot and Mouth
Disease in Egypt.
1st April 2012 - 3,000 Dolphins have washed up dead this
year in Peru.
30th March 2012 - Hundreds of Birds Killed in Hail storm in
29th March 2012 - 10,000 Geese and Waterfowl dead in
Siskiyou County America.
20th March 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish wash up on
riverbank in Singapore.
20th March 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found in River in
17th March 2012 - 4 beached Whales die in East China.
13th March 2012 - Tens of Thousands of Salmon deaths a
"mystery" in Marlborough New Zealand.
13th March 2012 - 5,000 Fish found dead in a lake in
12th March 2012 - Disease Kills 170 Chickens in South
9th March 2012 - Dozens of birds drop dead in University
grounds in Florida.
8th March 2012 - 34 Dolphins wash up dead along coast in
4th March 2012 - 400 Grey Seals found dead off Cape Breton
in Australia.
3rd March 2012 - Many Little Penguins Dying in Perth,
2nd March 2012 - Thousands of Jellyfish wash ashore in
1st March 2012 - 800kg dead fish found in Cyprus.
NOTE: During 2011 - Record number (335) of Sea Otters
either found dead or ill along California coast in America.
28th February 2012 - Over 20,000 Chickens dead in Dharke in
27th February 2012 - Thousands of fish found dead at nature
reserve in UK.
25th February 2012 - 60 Gulls found dead in New Zealand.
21st February 2012 - 3,000 Tuna Fish found dead off coast of
21st February 2012 - 25 Rare Turtles wash up dead in
18th February 2012 - Thousands of Lambs being killed by
incurable virus in the UK.
16th February 2012 - Tonnes of dead Fish wash ashore in
15th February 2012 - 100 dead birds found along highway in
Maryland America.
14th February 2012 - UPDATE: 124 Dolphins have now beached
and died in Cape Cod America.
9th February 2012 - Over 200 Dolphins wash up dead in Peru.
9th February 2012 - 800 dead Birds found in Christchurch New
7th February 2012 - Dozens of dead Birds found on beach in
6th February 2012 - Tens of Thousands of Birds to be
"culled" due to H5N1 virus in Nepal and India.
3rd February 2012 - Thousands of Fish wash up dead in
3rd February 2012 - 100 Pigeons found dead in South Dakota.
3rd February 2012 - 1,000 Fish found dead floating in two
ponds in Virginia.
31st January 2012 - 800 Star Fish found dead on beach in
31st January 2012 - Massive Fish death in Philippines.
27th January 2012 - 64 Dolphins and Porpoises found dead
along the Atlantic Coast.
27th January 2012 - 10,000 Fish found dead in Japan.
27th January 2012 - 12 Dolphins wash up dead in Louisiana.
27th January 2012 - 10,000 Ducks to be Killed in Australia.
24th January 2012 - 5,000 Fish found dead in Perth's River
in Australia.
UPDATE: 85 Dolphins beached, 61 dead in Cape Cod in
24th January 2012 - 82 Whales dead in New Zealand.
22nd January 2012 - Hundreds of dead Birds found in India.
21st January 2012 - 4 Whales found dead on beach in New
19th January 2012 - 20,000 Birds killed by oil spill in New
19th January 2012 - 3 TONNES of dead Fish wash ashore in
During the past 6 years, 6.7 MILLION Bats have died from White Nose Disease in
16th January 2012 - 53 Fur Seals found dead on Beach in
14th January 2012 - 30 Dolphins beach, 20 dead in Cape Cod
in America.
11th January 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish wash ashore in The
10th January 2012 - 2000 Chickens dead in India.
10th January 2012 - Large number of dead fish found floating
across 3km of river in China.
9th January 2012 - Hundreds of Wildlife Animals found dead
in Zimbabwe.
9th January 2012 - Dozens of Turtles found dead in Florida.
8th January 2012 - Thousands of Deer have died during past
few months in Northern Plains in America.
7th January 2012 - Thousands of Dead Fish found floating in
the Gholani River in India.
7th January 2012 - 7 Whales become stranded and die in New
7th January 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in
5th January 2012 - 3000 Dead Fish in Ghana.
4th January 2012 - Oil soaked birds washing up dead on
Western Isles of Scotland.
2nd January 2012 - 20 TONNES of Fish wash up dead on beach
in Norway.
1st January 2012 - 200 Blackbirds found dead in Arkansas
These mass animal
deaths happening around the world today is a sure sign of the end times that we
are living in. God is giving the world plenty of warning concerning the
judgments that are to fall upon this earth. And it is high time that we turn to
God, turn from our sins and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
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