Friday, 1 October 2021

Andrews’ secret deal part of China’s strategy to operate ‘without federal oversight’

Everyone flood the fair work commission with complaints

 Everyone flood the fair work commission with complaints

The Human rights commission can’t do Jack shit because of the state of emergency and under the health ministers orders they don’t have jurisdiction...however what they did say....

anyone pushed to get the jab needs to speak and lodge with fair work as they have the jurisdiction in our state BUT she did also say that what’s occurring is not law and our employers cannot mandate this if we don’t want it...

We just need to follow the correct channels through fair work commission.  They will open an investigation state wide once enough complaints come through as well as each individuals investigation.

Please note they need hundreds of complaints.  Don't think someone else is going to do the work for you... we ask me to fight..

I don’t think these employers understand the legal and financial jeapordy they are and have put themselves into.

Spread the word far and wide and let’s get to work 🇦🇺🦘🌏



Race is on to find new NSW Premier

Sky News Australia

Monday, 16 August 2021

Today the Andrews Labor Government shut down the Parliament. As elected representatives of our community there needs to be greater-

 August 17 2021-2 38pm

Today the Andrews Labor Government shut down the Parliament.

As elected representatives of our community there needs to be greater scrutiny and accountability on the decisions made by Daniel Andrews and his government, including the advice provided around the COVID-19 restrictions.


Tucker Carlson Mocks Daniel Andrews

 August 17 2021

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Protesters rally against COVID health pass in Italy and France

 29 Jul 2021

Anti-Green Pass protesters took to the streets of Italy and France, as their respective governments are introducing the document in response to the pandemic. In both countries, the health pass is required to access to public spaces, such as restaurants, museums and cinemas. Protesters believe that the Green Pass infringes their liberties. 'The Patriots' leader and French presidential candidate Florian Philippot argued: "The Green Pass both in Italy and in France, it's horrible. It creates two categories of citizens. It is against freedom and it is a system of discrimination."  In Italy, protesters equated the government measures, intended to curb COVID infections, to the Nazi regime and the Holocaust. This comparison has repeatedly been met with outrage, with critics saying it downplays the atrocities committed by the Nazis. European governments argue that steps need to be taken as a fourth wave is approaching fast. Protesters remain sceptical. However, as the Delta variant causes a surge in new infections, vaccination registrations have soared in both countries. Recent opinion polls in Italy and France also suggest that more people approve of the measures than there are against them.