Friday, 26 June 2020

Sign Of The Devils Horn.

 Its origins can be traced to Ancient Greece, and in Ancient Rome it symbolized a CURSE. The sign of the horns, also corna (Italian for horns, mano cornuta, horned hand fare le corna, to make the horns, or simply the devil horns).

 The thumb over the fingers is the Satanic salute from the satanic Occult.

 With the thumb under the fingers Represents the horned god of witchcraft,
Pan or Cernunnos.

Anton LaVey leader and founder of the Church of Satan.

It is a satanic salute from the 1960s. His image was often in the press, and the sign appears on many of his photos, such as on the back of his book, the Satanic Bible.

This gesture is the satanic salute, to satan.

It must be noted that it should not be done with the thumb out, as it means "I love you satan"

With thumb out is the I love you Satan.

The hand sign often is co-fused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, ‘’I love you.’’ While at first this appears an odd resemblance, when we discover that the person who invented, & created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an satanic occultist and Teosophist.

The photo above is from the Satanic Bible.

2 examples of well known people showing off the hand signal which represents Satan.