Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Mass Bee Die-offs 2013 – 2016
Event Summary -
133 Known MASS Death Events in 30 Countries
August 2016 - Millions of bees dead 'due to insecticide spray'
in South Carolina, America. Link
July 2016 - Thousands of dead bees found by bee keeper in
Avalats, France. Link
June 2016 - 53 percent of honey bees die off in Comarca
Lagunera, Mexico. Link
May 2016 - MILLIONS of honeybees have died in Santander, Colombia.
Linkdead bees in colombia
May 2016 - Nearly half of bee hives died during the past
year across America. Link
April 2016 - 100,000 bees found dead in Bianzone, Italy.
April 2016 - Hundreds of thousands of bees suddenly die in
Taipa-Mangonui, New Zealand. Link
March 2016 - Millions of bees have died in South Tyrol,
Italy. Link
February 2016 - Massive die off of bees in the past 2 weeks
in various parts of Spain. Link
February 2016 - 50 Percent die off of bees during past 3
years in a large bee farm in Arkansas, America. Link
December 2015 - 150 Hives die off 'due to use of pesticides'
in Cundinamarca Department, Colombia. Link
September 2015 - Thousands of Bees Found Dead in
Carpinteria, California, America. Link
August 2015 - Masses of bees dead 'due to neonicotinoids' in
Eschen, Liechtenstein. Link
July 2015 - Masses of bees are dying off in Sao Paulo,
Brazil. Link
June 2015 - 550,000 bees found dead in a bee farm in
Leicester, England. Link
June 2015 - 5 Mass bee die offs during the past week in
Portland, America. Link
June 2015 - 3,000+ Bee Colonies dead due to chemicals on
farmers fields in Cherkasy, Ukraine. Link
June 2015 - 2.5 MILLION bees die off during the winter in a
farm in Ohio, America. Link
May 2015 - Beekeeper experiences 100 percent die off of his
bees in Vollezele, Belgium. Link
May 2015 - Millions of bees killed by storm in Shangzhou
District, China. Link
May 2015 - Large die off of bees in Zhengzhou, China.
LinkBee die off in China
May 2015 - 42 percent of honeybees died off between April
2014 - April 2015 in America. Link
May 2015 - Massive die off of bees, over 20 beekeepers lose
nearly entire stock in Comrat, Moldova. Link
May 2015 - 'Massacre' of the bees is a 'mystery' in Cremona,
Italy. Link
May 2015 - Massive die off of bees due to pesticides in
Souss, Morocco. Link
May 2015 - Mass die off of bees after spraying orchards in
Sagunto, Spain. Link
April 2015 - Massive die off of bees due to volcanic ash in
Los Lagos, Chile. Link
April 2015 - 100,000+ bees have died in Dundee, Oregon,
America. Link
April 2015 - Mass die off of bees 'suddenly' in Jinan,
China. Link
April 2015 - 15,000 Honey bees dead 'due to pesticides' in
Seyhan, Turkey. Link
April 2015 - Millions of bees dead after truck accident in
Washington, America. Link
April 2015 - Millions of bees dead after road accident in
Saussenac, France. Link
April 2015 - 4 Bee hives all dead in a Botanical garden in
Seclin, France. Link
March 2015 - 150,000+ bees found dead in Wormhout, France.
March 2015 - 'Massacre' - 90 percent of 127 beehives died
off this winter near Montauban, France. Link
March 2015 - Hundreds of thousands of bees have died off in
Loire-Atlantique, France. Link
March 2015 - Mass die off of bees has hit colonies in
Cherves-Richemont, France. Link
March 2015 - 35 percent of bee colonies have died off during
winter in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Link
Feb. 2015 - 40 percent of bees have died off during the past
year in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy. Link
Feb. 2015 - 140 bee hives have died off 'due to pesticides'
in Calasparra, Spain. Link
Feb. 2015 - 50 bee hives destroyed in Monteria, Colombia.
Dec. 2014 - 40 bee hives full of dead bees 'a mystery' in
Xingyi City, China. Link
Dec. 2014 - 130 bee hives have died off 'a mystery' in
Campos Gerais, Brazil. Link
Nov. 2014 - 170 bee hives have died off in Ardahan, Turkey.
Nov. 2014 - 3 MILLION+ bees found dead 'causing fright' in
Martim Francisco, Brazil. LinkDead bees in Brazil
Nov. 2014 - 530,000 bees die 'a mystery' in Wenling City,
China. Link
Nov. 2014 - 30,000 Bees have died 'due to pesticides' in
Maule Region, Chile. Link
Nov. 2014 - Thousands of bees dying is a 'mystery' in
Gatton, Australia. Newspaper Picture and Newspaper Article
Oct. 2014 - Hundreds of bumblebees dropping dead under trees
in Notteroy, Norway. Link
Oct. 2014 - 160,000 Bees die 'mysteriously' in Gomel,
Belarus. Link
Oct. 2014 - Tens of thousands of bees dying in Westport,
Massachusetts, America. Link
Sept. 2014 - Hundreds of bees dropping dead each day, 'It
looks like they're having little seizures' in Bristol County, America. Link
Sept. 2014 - Hundreds of thousands of bees found dead in
Manitoba, Canada. Link
Sept. 2014 - Bee colonies decimated in the Auvergne region
this year in France. Link
Sept. 2014 - 500 Bumblebee Queens found dead next to an oil
seed rape field in London, England. Link
Aug. 2014 - Millions (130 Hives) of bees have died in
Itatinga, Brazil. Link
Aug. 2014 - 48 Million bees have died (100% losses) in
Pyrenees-Orientales, France. Link
Aug. 2014 - Millions of bees die 'mysteriously' in
Zhongxian, China. LinkDead bees in France
Aug. 2014 - 150,000 Bees die in Thuringia, Germany. Link
Aug. 2014 - Millions of bees die 'suddenly' in Jiangxi,
China. Link
Jul. 2014 - Die off of bees found concerning residents in
Ballenstedt, Germany. Link
Jul. 2014 - Thousands of bees die suddenly in Hwacheon
County, South Korea. Link
Jul. 2014 - 100,000+ bees die 'suddenly' in Southern
Colorado, America. Link
Jul. 2014 - 300 MILLION Bees found dead 'a mystery' in
Hebei, China. Link
Jul. 2014 - Die-off of Bees in the Black Forest in Germany.
Jul. 2014 - Die-off of Bees reported in various parts of
Genova, Italy. Link
Jul. 2014 - Hundreds of dead and dying bumblebees found
around school in Massachusetts, America. Link
Jun. 2014 - Two more mass bee die offs happen suddenly in
Oregon, America. Link
Jun. 2014 - Large Bumblebee die off with sidewalks littered
with dead bees in Oregon, America. Link
Jun. 2014 - 4,500+ HIVES died off during the past winter in
Ariege, France. Link
Jun. 2014 - Bee die off is 'worrying' in Nootdorp,
Netherlands. Link
Jun. 2014 - 2.4 Million Bees found dead 'a mystery' in
Caidian District, China. Link
Jun. 2014 - Die off of Bees found near hives in Ontario,
Canada. Link
May. 2014 - 172 Colonies of bees have died in Zaziwil,
Switzerland. LinkBee die off China
May. 2014 - Millions of bees die suddenly in Nanjing County,
China. Link
May. 2014 - Millions of Bees dead in 'worst winter die off'
in Pennsylvania, America. Link
May. 2014 - Bees dying off by the thousands in Indiana,
America. Link
May. 2014 - Millions of bees have died this winter
devastating hives across Ohio and Southern Ontario, Canada/America. Link
Apr. 2014 - BILLIONS of Honeybees dead due to pesticides in
California, America. Link and here
Apr. 2014 - Thousands of Bees continuing to die off in
Elmwood, Canada. Link
Apr. 2014 - Massive die off of bees reported in Oxford
County, Canada. Link
Apr. 2014 - Mass die off of honeybees found in Oregon,
America. Link
Apr. 2014 - 3 Million Bees die suddenly in Donghai County,
China. Link
Apr. 2014 - Hundreds of thousands of bees found dead near
International Bridge on Argentine, Uraguay border, Argentina. Link
Apr. 2014 - Millions of bees found dead along the Rhine
river in Germany. Link
Apr. 2014 - 500,000 honeybees dead 'due to harsh winter' in
Holland, Michigan, America. Link
Mar. 2014 - Thousands of bees dying 'due to toxic substance
on flowers' in Marilia, Brazil. Link
Mar. 2014 - 220,000 bees found dead in Daettwil,
Switzerland. Link
Mar. 2014 - Massive die off of bees found 'is a mystery' in
Yinjiang County, China. Link
Mar. 2014 - Mass die off of honeybees from harsh winter
across Iowa, America. Link
Mar. 2014 - Thousands of Bees found dead in and around hives
in Haarlemmermeer, Holland. Link
Mar. 2014 - Thousands of Bees found dead in front of hives
in Boggabri, Australia. Link
Mar. 2014 - Millions of Bees dying off 'due to harsh winter'
in Ohio, America. Link
Feb. 2014 - 4 Million bees found dead, 'pesticides
suspected' in a county in Brazil. Link
Feb. 2014 - Tens of millions of bees have died due to heavy
snowfall in, South Korea. Link
Feb. 2014 - Millions (2,000 Hives) of bees dead in Cieza and
Calasparra, Spain. Link
Feb. 2014 - Mass mortality of Bees found is 'unprecedented'
in Valencia, Spain. Link
Feb. 2014 - Die off of Bees found, 'All that was left was
their skeletons' in Murwillumbah, Australia. Link
Feb. 2014 - Millions of Bees found dead near hives in
Murcia, Spain. Link
Feb. 2014 - Thousands of bees die off 'due to pesticides' in
Pontalinda, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Link
Nov. 2013 - 20 million+ bees have died off this year (37
million last year) in Ontario and Quebec, Canada. Link (Watch the Video)
Nov. 2013 - 1.5 million Bees found dead and dying near hives
in Orizona, Brazil. Link
Oct. 2013 - Millions of Bees found dead, in Fernandez,
Argentina. Link
Oct. 2013 - 1 million+ Bees found dead 'a mystery'
(Pesticides?) in Jiangsu, China. Link
Oct. 2013 - Mass die off of Bees occuring across the country
in, Greece. Link
Sep. 2013 - Hundreds of thousands of bees die off in Ningbo,
China. Link
Sep. 2013 - 1 million bees found dead is 'a mystery' in
Lantian County, China. Link
Sep. 2013 - Massive bee die off, 'The bees cannot survive on
their own anymore, they need DRUGS' in British Columbia, Canada. Link
Sep. 2013 - Tens of thousands of honey bees 'acting drunk'
and dying off this past week in Minneapolis, America. Link
Sep. 2013 - Massive die off of Bees (during August) on Sunflower
blossoms in Fermo, Italy. Link also Video here and here
Aug. 2013 - Millions of bees killed by pesticides on citrus
farm in Florida, America. Link
Aug. 2013 - Thousands of Bees found dead after 'mosquito
spraying' in York County, America. Link
Aug. 2013 - Massive Bee die off (300 hives) found in Yiyang
County, China. Link
Aug. 2013 - 106 bee hives die off in Luquan, China. LinkDead
Bees in Spain
Aug. 2013 - Thousands of bees found dead near hives in
Cottage Grove, Oregon, America. Link
Aug. 2013 - Thousands of dead bees found on a farm in Bauru,
Brazil. Link
Aug. 2013 - 1.3 million Bees found dead on Organic farm near
Hanover, Canada. Link
Aug. 2013 - Millions of Bees have died off since May in Bio
Bio, Chile. Link
Jul. 2013 - Massive bee die off, 50% loss during past year
in South Dakota, America. Link
Jul. 2013 - 375,000 bees died during past year on one honey
farm in Andebu, Norway. Link
Jul. 2013 - 36,000 Bees found dead, 'pesticides suspected'
in Niestetal, Germany. Link
Jul. 2013 - Thousands of honeybees found dead in St Paul,
Minnesota, America. Link
Jul. 2013 - Mass die off of bees in a field of Sunflowers in
Hungary. Link
Jun. 2013 - Mass sudden bee die off is 'unprecedented and
massive' in Martna, Estonia. Link
Jun. 2013 - 50,000 Bees found dead under trees in
Wilsonville, Oregon, America. Link
Jun. 2013 - Millions of Bees found dead around hives in
Jinyuan, China. Link
Jun. 2013 - Massive Bee die off in and around the
Bogorodskoye Distric, Russia. Link
Jun. 2013 - 34 - 50% of all Honeybee Colonies died-off
during past winter in England, Scotland and Wales, United Kingdom. Link
Jun. 2013 - Millions of dead Bees found in Bee farm in
Girona, Spain. Link
Jun. 2013 - 1.75 Million Bees have died 'after farms are
sprayed' in Hensies, Belgium. Link
May. 2013 - 60% of Bees died off during last winter,
'puzzling scientists' in Maryland, America. Link
May. 2013 - Thousands of Bees suddenly die in Minneapolis,
America. Link
Apr. 2013 - Beekeeper loses thousands of hives during past
year in Utah, America. Link
Seeing a list like this and our mass animal deaths list can
cause us to fear for our future. And yes, if we are only focused on this world
then there is much to fear. But those of us who believe in and give our lives
to Christ Jesus have nothing to fear, because even though this world is dying,
we have an eternity to look forward to with Christ, where there will be no more
tears, pain or sorrow. Please give your life to Jesus Christ today! He is our
ONLY hope for the future.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
'Porn is always just there in your face': Teen boys tell all in survey on pornography
A new project has delved into the minds of teenage boys to discover just
what they think about pornography — and the results will soon be turned
into a stage play.
Hundreds of Australian boys aged 12-18 completed anonymous interviews and surveys that covered everything from how much pornography they viewed, to what they think of it, and what questions it sparked.
"It's always just there in your face," one boy said.
"I've seen it. By the time in Year 8 I'd say everyone has," another boy said.
The results of the survey showed while most boys had seen pornography, many were able to understand the difference between those depictions and real life.
"It's like cartoons with y'know pianos falling on people, or action movies with car crashes and explosions," one boy said.
"I mean, I don't look like that [and] I don't expect every girl to look like that either."
The project was organised by St Martins Youth Arts Centre artistic director Clare Watson, who will direct a new play entitled Gonzo that is based on the responses.
The former school teacher said it was a difficult project to tackle because of an "extreme" level of shame and taboo around the topic.
"Teachers didn't want me to come to class to talk to students about
it; letters sent home with kids, they didn't want to show their
But she said most boys reported seeing pornographic material for the first time in the schoolyard, with their friends sharing videos or images found online.
The Federal Government cites research that finds young Australians are accessing pornography at increasing rates and boys aged 14-17 are the most frequent viewers.
The head of the Australian Childhood Foundation, Dr Joe Tucci, told the Porn Harms Kids seminar earlier this year that exposure could lead to sexually offending behaviour.
"I've been most interested in what's been lacking in their education and what pornography has filled in in their education. They're really aware of the gap," she said.
Ms Watson said values like consent and understanding your body could be taught to kids from Year 1 onwards and that topics of consent and pleasure were lacking.
"Female pleasure in particular is off the agenda entirely in the education department."
"Without this sex education that everybody can learn from … there is a vacuum and that vacuum is being filled with pornography."
She said she hoped her play would prompt intergenerational conversations about pornography and sex.
"Boys are talking about it, parents are talking about it at dinner parties, but they don't seem to be talking about it together."
Hundreds of Australian boys aged 12-18 completed anonymous interviews and surveys that covered everything from how much pornography they viewed, to what they think of it, and what questions it sparked.
"It's always just there in your face," one boy said.
"I've seen it. By the time in Year 8 I'd say everyone has," another boy said.
The results of the survey showed while most boys had seen pornography, many were able to understand the difference between those depictions and real life.
"It's like cartoons with y'know pianos falling on people, or action movies with car crashes and explosions," one boy said.
"I mean, I don't look like that [and] I don't expect every girl to look like that either."
The project was organised by St Martins Youth Arts Centre artistic director Clare Watson, who will direct a new play entitled Gonzo that is based on the responses.
The former school teacher said it was a difficult project to tackle because of an "extreme" level of shame and taboo around the topic.

But she said most boys reported seeing pornographic material for the first time in the schoolyard, with their friends sharing videos or images found online.
The Federal Government cites research that finds young Australians are accessing pornography at increasing rates and boys aged 14-17 are the most frequent viewers.
The head of the Australian Childhood Foundation, Dr Joe Tucci, told the Porn Harms Kids seminar earlier this year that exposure could lead to sexually offending behaviour.
'Lack of sex ed is leading kids to porn'
Ms Watson said her project showed teen boys had strong media literacy, but that education programs in schools were failing young people."I've been most interested in what's been lacking in their education and what pornography has filled in in their education. They're really aware of the gap," she said.
Ms Watson said values like consent and understanding your body could be taught to kids from Year 1 onwards and that topics of consent and pleasure were lacking.
"Female pleasure in particular is off the agenda entirely in the education department."
"Without this sex education that everybody can learn from … there is a vacuum and that vacuum is being filled with pornography."
She said she hoped her play would prompt intergenerational conversations about pornography and sex.
"Boys are talking about it, parents are talking about it at dinner parties, but they don't seem to be talking about it together."
A magnitude-6.8 earthquake has struck central Myanmar, shaking buildings across the South-East Asian nation
The quake hit the town of Chauk, southwest of Mandalay, the Myanmar
Government said, with tremors felt as far away as Bangkok, where
witnesses reported high-rise buildings swaying, and the Bangladeshi
capital Dhaka.
At least three people have been killed with the quake damaging several Buddhist temples in the ancient city of Bagan, police said.
A fire department official from regional capital Magwe said two young girls were killed when a riverbank gave way in Yenanchaung township, south of Chauk.
One person was killed and another injured when a tobacco processing factory collapsed in the town of Pakkoku, to the north, the duty officer at the local fire department said.
Save the Children's Vincent Panzani, who was in Pakkoku, said there had been reports of damage to pagodas in the area and smaller buildings including several cracked or collapsed walls and a destroyed roof.
"We felt quite heavy shaking for about 10 seconds and started to evacuate the building when there was another strong tremor," he said.
"Several of our staff who've lived in this part of Myanmar their whole lives said it was the strongest earthquake they've ever felt."
There were no other confirmed casualties, and early reports suggested limited damage overall.
Maung Maung Kyaw, a local official of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD), said his house shook during the quake.
"Many people were scared and they ran out of the buildings," he said.
"I went outside to check the situation in the town. Some of the buildings are split and nearly collapsed, but I don't see any people affected by the quake."
At least three people have been killed with the quake damaging several Buddhist temples in the ancient city of Bagan, police said.
A fire department official from regional capital Magwe said two young girls were killed when a riverbank gave way in Yenanchaung township, south of Chauk.
One person was killed and another injured when a tobacco processing factory collapsed in the town of Pakkoku, to the north, the duty officer at the local fire department said.
Save the Children's Vincent Panzani, who was in Pakkoku, said there had been reports of damage to pagodas in the area and smaller buildings including several cracked or collapsed walls and a destroyed roof.
"We felt quite heavy shaking for about 10 seconds and started to evacuate the building when there was another strong tremor," he said.
"Several of our staff who've lived in this part of Myanmar their whole lives said it was the strongest earthquake they've ever felt."
There were no other confirmed casualties, and early reports suggested limited damage overall.
Maung Maung Kyaw, a local official of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD), said his house shook during the quake.
"Many people were scared and they ran out of the buildings," he said.
"I went outside to check the situation in the town. Some of the buildings are split and nearly collapsed, but I don't see any people affected by the quake."
BREAKING NEWS: Army Chief of staff Warns Military of Hybrid & Alien Threat
On April 21 2016 Army Chief of staff at Norwich University
Warns Military of Hybrid & Alien Threat.
BREAKING NEWS: "Massive Quake 6.2 Hits Italy" "Rattles Rome" People Trapped"
A powerful 6.2-magnitude earthquake followed by a series of aftershocks has rocked central Italy. Strong tremors were felt in the country’s capital, Rome, and several small towns and villages have been seriously damaged with at least 14 people reportedly killed.
The shallow quake, estimated to have struck after 3:30am at a depth of 4km, was felt across a broad section of central Italy, including the capital Rome where people in homes in the historic centre felt a long swaying followed by aftershocks.
The European Mediterranean Seismological Centre put the magnitude at 6.1 and said the epicentre was northeast of Rome, near Rieti. The US Geological Survey put the magnitude at 6.2.
Aftermath of shattering quake in central Italy
Monday, 22 August 2016
Something Very Strange is Going On Worldwide! (2016)
Current world news something strange is going on end times
prophecy in the news Russia, Iran, Turkey alliance forming.
signs of the times continue...
By Jason A
Synthetic drugs wreaking havoc on communities across America the past week: FSU college student bites face of another man large uptick in overdoses.
prophecy in the news Russia, Iran, Turkey alliance forming.
signs of the times continue...
By Jason A
Synthetic drugs wreaking havoc on communities across America the past week: FSU college student bites face of another man large uptick in overdoses.
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